Splat Scene Template
This update brings an exciting and flexible new scene template ‘Splat’. You can create activities where users must tap or step on splat objects which are moving around the scene.
The template includes a plethora of options, facilitating the development of diverse games and experiences.
- Use score, time or an atom expression to set the completion condition
- Spawn (create) objects at different rates, have different total numbers etc
- You can target different surfaces and even have multiple different systems / ‘splattables’ (!) on the same surface
- These splattables display a variety of different behaviours
- Natural, vertical or arced movement
- Speed
- Scale
- By creating mutliple different “Splattables” with different visuals and behaviour complex games can be created.
- In terms of visuals you can set the scale, image and even add a splat animation for some interesting effects.
- For Atoms fans there are many predefined Atoms and hooks you can use for maximum flexibility.
- There’s a built in progress indicator and text box to help with the gamification.

Score Draggable
A new draggable system to display scores for predefined systems or custom Atoms has been added to enhance the gamification capabilities of the immersive studio editor. It is currently available in the Splat and Wipe Scene Templates.
With the default behaviour, it can be used for a hotspot counter, wipe percentage indicator, or splat score. With custom atoms it can be used to represent many different kinds of scores with advanced logic.

Miscellaneous enhancements
- Added Text Box to Wipe To Reveal Scene Template.
- Added better support for Reorderable List Icons.
- UI Draggables are no longer highlighted while dragging.
- Added ability for admin users to reset organisation user’s password

- Added Splat Scene Template
- Scene Template whose main element is a “Splat” game where users must tap to splat objects which are moving around the scene.
- Optional Completion Conditions including:
- Score Target
- Time Limit
- Custom Atom Expression
- Spawn Settings
- Control how many “Splattable” elements should be created by alter Initial Count, Batch Sizes, Batch Spawn rate and Maximum Count.
- Multiple “Splattable” element can be created each with different behaviour and visuals including:
- Surfaces they should appear on.
- Movement Type
- Natural, Vertical or Arced.
- Movement Speed
- Scale
- Image Settings including optional Splat Animation.
- Optional Splat Audio.
- Score: How much the Splattable should contribute to the overall Score.
- On Splat Atom Setter.
- By creating mutliple different “Splattables” with different visuals and behaviour complex games can be created.
- Splat Scene Template includes Progress Indicator and Text Box.
- Predefined Atoms:
- Splat Score
- Splat Target Score
- Splat Current Time
- Splat Time Limit
- Score Draggable
- Current available in Splat and Wipe Scene Templates.
- Added a new draggable system to display scores predefined Systems or Custom Atoms.
- With default behaviour, it can be used for a hotspot counter, wipe percentage, or splat score. It can be extended with custom atoms.
- Added Text Box to Wipe To Reveal Scene Template.
- Added better support for Reorderable List Icons.
- Region Hotspot, Progress Indicator and Text Box all have Icons now.
- Default Hotspot Theme icons will display in Reorderable List.
- Bug Fixes:
- UI Draggables are no longer highlighted while dragging.
- Added ability for admin users to reset organisation user’s password