Labelling Quiz PopUp
This new Quiz PopUp quiz type enables the creation of interactive labelling quizzes whereby the user drags the text or images on an image background in order to correctly label the image. This offers a new way to challenges students alongside the other quiz formats and it’s options allow extensive customisation.
- Question type includes a Background Image and Labels.
- Users must drag the labels onto the correct spot on the background.
- Labels can be either text or images.

Rounding function in Atom Expressions
String / Text expressions can include floating point numbers such as the elapsed scene time. These new rounding functions enable you to round these floats to Integers or a specified number of decimal places.
RoundToXDP – Round to X decimal places for example RoundTo2DP 123.45678 -> 123.46
RoundToInt – Rounds to the nearest whole Integer 123.345678 -> 123
RoundFloor – Rounds down to the nearest Integer 123.45678 -> 123
RoundCeil – Rounds down to the nearest Integer 123.45678 -> 124

- Added Labelling Quiz To Quiz PopUp.
- Question type includes a Background Image and Labels.
- Users must drag the labels onto the correct spot on the background.
- Labels can be either text or images.
- Added Internal Support found Rounding Functions in Atom Expressions.
- RoundToXDP
- RoundToInt
- RoundFloor
- RoundCeil
- Fixed bug where Theme font wasn’t displayed on Quiz Result screen.